Gift Guide: Writers

I’m determined to finish my Christmas shopping early this year (before Black Friday is my goal), so even though it’s only October, I’m already hard at work on my shopping lists. Last week, I decided to take all the energy I’ve been putting into gift ideas and turn it into my first gift guide, and I was surprised by just how much fun I had making it!

So, I’m back at it this week… and this time I made a gift guide for writers. While my shopping focus right now is mostly my kids, there are a few things I’ve stumbled across along the way that I just couldn’t help but add to my personal writing wish list. So if you are shopping for a writer this year—or you are a writer looking for some ideas to give your friends and family—this list is for you!

Notebooks & Pens

Fringe Studio Spiral Journal // Pentel EnerGel Pens // Compendium Composition Notebook // Papermate InkJoy Pens

The number one thing you need to write is a blank page and something to write with. For writers who love writing longhand, two things you can never have enough of are adorable notebooks and great pens—these are a few of my favorites!


The Oliver Company Manual Typewriter // Wireless Typewriter Keyboard

While I have a potentially unhealthy attachment to my laptop, the idea of writing on a typewriter seems romantic and nostalgic, so I’ve had a vintage typewriter on my wish list for quite some time. But now that I’ve seen this retro-inspired Oliver Company Manual Typewriter, I think this might be an even better option—the cute vintage look, but seems like less of a gamble on how well it will work (though, I still wouldn’t say no to a great vintage one). For those who prefer a little more updated technology, this typewriter keyboard has the vintage vibes but connects to your devices via bluetooth so you can appreciate all the benefits of modern word processing.


Book Club Mug // Rewined Mimosa Candle // Storyteller Mug

There are two things I need on my desk during every writing session: a coffee mug full of caffeine and a lit candle. I think either of these coffee mugs would be the perfect addition to any writer’s mug collection. Lighting a candle when I write helps me get in the right frame of mind, and my favorite candles are from Rewined out of Charleston. They are made out of recycled wine bottles and last quite a while! The Mimosa is a favorite of mine, but they have everything from spiked cider to pinot noir to your favorite cocktails.


Composition Book Canvas Tote // Library Card Pouch // Kate Spade Book Tote

How cute are these tote bags? Perfect for collecting all your writing supplies to head to the coffee shop, or bringing home your latest library haul. And this adorable little library card pouch is perfect for corralling all those extra pens floating around your bag.

Books about Writing

Create Anyway // The Artist’s Way // Bird by Bird

Sometimes, you need a little inspiration from the words of others. These books are three of my absolute favorites when it comes to creative inspiration. (And if you’d like to work through the Artist’s Way with a group, check out the Creative Cohorts my friend Laura and I offer). A few other great books on creativity: Big Magic, Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith & Art, Use Your Words: A Writing Guide for Mothers, Tell it Slant, On Writing.

Writers Block

Writing Dice // Watercolor Pocket Set // Vintage Typewriter Puzzle

Every writer knows the dread of writer’s block, and it can be nice to have a few things on hand for when those moments strike. These writing dice are a fun way to try something different with your words. But sometimes you need to try a totally different activity to give your brain a break—this watercolor set or this typewriter puzzle are two great options!

Writers—what else is on your wish list this year?

*Links are affiliate and may earn me a few extra pennies at no cost to you!


Ghosts in the Night


Gift Guide: SWIMMERS