Liturgy of the Ordinary

For the delay brew setting on my coffee maker and the can of pumpkin whipped cream in my fridge;

I give thanks.

For a few minutes of early morning quiet with a pen in my hand and a steaming cup of coffee by my side;

I give thanks.

For the little boys that tumble down the stairs, demanding snuggles and breakfast, wondering if I’ve seen their library book or today’s favorite toy; 

I give thanks.

For the minivan that I load up with bookbags, lunchboxes, snacks, and swim bags, that I spend hours of my day crisscrossing town in; 

I give thanks.

For Panera’s unlimited sip club, my favorite outdoor table to work at, and my laptop that lets me work from anywhere; 

I give thanks.

For my four-year-old’s excitement over Harry Hatman week at preschool; for teachers with the patience of saints, for an elementary school that values play and creativity;  

I give thanks.

For a quick kiss from my husband as we tag-team the puzzle of getting kids to their afterschool activities;

I give thanks.

For the miracle of having a robot vacuum clean my floors, for the convenience of dishwashers and washing machines, for the bag of chicken nuggets in the freezer rescuing dinner on busy nights; 

I give thanks.

For the generosity of those who have passed down too-small clothing and tubs of hand-me-down clothing waiting under my bed for my children to grow into, and for the treasures I’ve found in my Buy Nothing group; 

I give thanks. 

For the shelves of books in my home and the library card in my wallet; for friends who love to share book recommendations, and for book club;

I give thanks.

For the excitement of new ideas, the energy of brainstorming, the promise of a blank page; 

I give thanks.

For friendships found on the internet, at PTA meetings, and on the sidelines of swim practice, 

I give thanks.

For the memories that pop up on my phone's camera roll, reminding me of the tiniest versions of my growing boys and the details of days gone by;

I give thanks.

For all the ordinary moments of ordinary days,

I give thanks.

Inspired by a prompt found on Locusts & Honey


Ghosts in the Night